Atlas Sayın

“Shoot for the stars, aim for the moon.”

Hello, I'm Atlas Sayın, originally from Istanbul, Turkey, but currently residing in Amsterdam, Netherlands. My journey here began when I made the decision to pursue a bachelor's degree in Computational Social Science. However, my initial experience in Amsterdam was not without its challenges. For the first two months, I struggled to find sustainable housing or a place to call home. This firsthand experience has given me a deep understanding of the hassles, struggles, and stress associated with finding housing in The Netherlands.

Prior to my time in The Netherlands, I completed my education in both Turkey and Canada. Throughout my academic journey, I've always had an insatiable thirst for knowledge, constantly seeking to expand my understanding of subjects that capture my interest. It was during high school that I developed a fascination with real estate after watching the movie "Big Short." This sparked my passion for the industry, leading me to delve into books such as "The Millionaire Real Estate Agent" by Gary Keller, which provided valuable insights into the real estate market and its stakeholders.

My relationship with The Ned|Lon began as a client. After an arduous two-month search for an apartment, a friend and I decided to reach out to The Ned|Lon for assistance. Within two weeks, we had viewed three apartments and successfully found a place to call our own. The process was not only efficient but also carried out with a friendly and professional approach. It was during this experience, combined with my existing interest in real estate, that I realized my potential to contribute to The Ned|Lon’s team.

Joining The Ned|Lon team allows me to assist you throughout your relocation journey with my skills, personal experiences and geniuine passion. Thank you for taking the time to learn a little about me. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you and help make your relocation experience a positive one.