Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Please carefully read all these terms & conditions stipulated below and submit any questions to the mail address thenedlon@gmail.com.

The Ned|Lon Ltd. (hereinafter “The Ned|Lon,” “Supplier,” “us,” or “we”) a limited company with the registered office at the address 151 West Green Road, London, England, N15 5EA established in the United Kingdom and in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom.

In order for us to accept your order and make a legally enforceable contract without further reference to you, you must read these terms and conditions (hereinafter the “T&C”) to make sure that it contains the points important for you and is suitable to your needs. If you are not sure about anything, please do not hesitate to contact us via phoning us on +44 (0)7534582577 or sending an e-mail stating your queries to the e-mail address thenedlon@gmail.com. You will get a response within an estimated 24 hours. 

  1. Scope and Purpose of the T&C

  1. This T&C is prepared to regulate the principles, procedures and rules of the purchase of the Services (as defined below) provided by The Ned|Lon to you (hereinafter “the Customer” or “you”).

  2. This T&C sets forth and governs the terms that are in force and shall be applied in relation to the sale and purchase of all Services to you. Prior to placing an order on the Website, you will be asked to  agree to this T&C by clicking on the button marked 'I Accept'. If you do not click on the button, you will not be able to complete your Order. You can only purchase the Services from the Website if you are eligible to enter into a contract within the laws of the United Kingdom (“UK”) and your country of citizenship and are at least 18 years old and in any circumstances, old enough to be legally considered as an “adult” within the laws of your country of citizenship.

  3. The Ned|Lon reserves the right to offer you different conditions in exceptional circumstances. However, these conditions shall be shared with you in written and shall be agreed upon to enter into force. 

  4. The Ned|Lon reserves the right to change, revise and modify this T&C in any time, solely at its own discretion.

B. Definitions

For the purposes of this T&C;

  1. Customer shall mean an individual who demands the Services (as defined below) from The Ned|Lon;

  2. Contract shall mean the legally-binding agreement between you and us for the supply of the Services (as defined below);

  3. Delivery Location shall mean the location where the Services (as defined below) are to be supplied, as set out in    the Order (as defined below);

  4. Durable Medium shall mean paper or e-mail, or any other medium that allows information to be addressed personally to the recipient, enables the recipient to store the information in a way accessible for future reference for a period that is  long enough for the purposes of the information, and allows the unchanged reproduction of the information stored;

  5. Order shall mean the Customer's Order for the Services (as defined below) as submitted following the step-by-step process set out on the Website (as defined below);

  6. Privacy Policy shall mean the terms which set forth how we will deal your personal data;

  7. Services shall mean the services advertised on the Website (as defined below) and Social Media Accounts (as defined below) of The Ned|Lon;

  8. Website shall mean thenedlon.com;

  9. Social Media Accounts shall mean our Instagram Account @thenedlon and LinkedIn Account The Ned|Lon.

C. Services

  1. The description, scope & content of the Services is as set out in the Website, Social Media Accounts catalogues, brochures or other forms of advertisement.

  2. In the case of Services, it is your responsibility to ensure that any  information or specification you provide is accurate. You shall not be entitled for any claim against The Ned|Lon in relation to any action or consequence as result of incomplete, inaccurate or wrong information.

  3. All Services included in the Website are subject to availability.

  4. Submission of a request for the Services by the Customer does not necessarily mean the establishment of a contractual relationship, The Ned|Lon reserves the right not to provide Services to the Customer fully at its own discretion.

  5. The Ned|Lon reserves the right to make changes, revisions or modifications to Services, fully at its own discretion.

D. Customers’ Obligations

  1. You must co-operate with us in all matters relating to the Services, provide us, our employees, business partners and representatives with access to any premises, data and/or information under your control as required; provide us with all data and information required to perform the Services and obtain any necessary licenses and consents.

  2. Failure to comply with the above mentioned obligations is a Customer default which entitles us to suspend performance of the Services until  you remedy it or if you fail to remedy it following our request, we can terminate the Contract without further notice & with immediate effect via a  written notice.

E. Usage of Personal information

  1. We retain and use all personal data & information strictly limited to the principles set forth under the Privacy Policy. Please read the Privacy Policy from the link https://thenedlon.com/privacy carefully before providing information.

  2. We may contact you by using e-mail or other communication methods.

F. Sale of Services

  1. The description of the Services or submission of a request by the Customer does not constitute a contractual offer/relationship to provide the Services. When an Order has been submitted on the Website, The Ned|Lon can reject it for any reason, fully at its own discretion.

  2. The Order process is set out on the Website. Each step allows you to check and amend any errors before submitting the Order. It is your responsibility to check that you have used the ordering process correctly.

  3. A Contract will be formed for the Services ordered only when you receive an e-mail from us confirming the Order (hereinafter the “Order Confirmation”). You must ensure that the Order Confirmation is complete and accurate and inform us immediately in case of any errors or objections. We shall not be responsible for any inaccuracies in the Order placed.

  4. By placing an Order,  you agree to us giving you confirmation of the Contract by means of an e-mail via the Order Confirmation. You will receive the Order Confirmation within a reasonable time after submitting the Order, but in any event not later than the delivery under the Contract, and before performance begins in relation to any of the Services.

  5. No amendment of the Contract shall be made after it has been entered into force unless the amendment is agreed upon mutually and in written by the Customer and The Ned|Lon.

G. Fees and Payment

  1. The fees (hereinafter the “Fees” or “Prices”) for the Services, the price of any goods which shall be provided by us within the terms of the Contract (if not included in the Fees) and any additional delivery or other charges are set out on the Website at the date in which the Contract is entered into force. The Ned|Lon and Customer can mutually agree on other Fees in writing.

  2. Fees for Services may be calculated on a fixed price or on a standard daily rate basis.

H. Delivery

  1. We will deliver the Services, to the Delivery Location by the time or within the agreed period or in maximum no later than a reasonable period.

  2. We only deliver to locations in the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Italy, Germany and Canada.

I.Risk and Non-Liability

  1. The Ned|Lon shall not be liable to the Customer for the risk or occurrence of any material and/or moral damage, or loss. Therefore, the Customer accepts that he/she shall not be entitled to submit any claims against The Ned|Lon thereof.

  2. The Ned|Lon (including its ambassadors/employees, directors, any other managing agent, or their respective affiliates, owners, partners, officers, agents, business partners) shall not be liable to the Customer for any material and moral damage. In accordance, the Customer shall not be entitled to submit any claims against the The Ned|Lon, its ambassadors/employees, directors, any other managing agents, or their respective affiliates, owners, partners, officers, agents or business partners.

  3. The Ned|Lon shall not be liable for matters arising with housing service once the Customer has accepted the presented offer.

  4. The Ned|Lon shall not be liable for matters arising with moving activity once the client has accepted the presented offer.

  5. The Ned|Lon has 3rd party service providers who will assist you throughout the process for the best experience & excellence. The Ned|Lon Ltd. (including its ambassadors/employees, directors, any other managing agent, or their respective affiliates, owners, partners, officers, agents, business partners) shall not be liable to the Customer for any material and/or moral damage resulting from 3rd party service providers’s actions. Therefore, the Customer accepts that he/she will not assert any claims resulting from the 3rd party service providers’s actions against The Ned|Lon.

J. Cancellation

  1. You can withdraw the Order by telling us before the Contract is made, if you simply wish to change your mind and without giving us a reason, and without incurring any liability.

  2. You shall submit your cancellation request in written by sending an e-mail to thenedlon@gmail.com. In this scenario, we will send  to you an acknowledgement of receipt of such a cancellation without delay. 

  3. Please note that if the e-mail in relation to cancellation is not received by the The Ned|Lon (either resulting from you or us), the cancellation shall not be deemed valid.

  4. In case if Services are wholly or partially supplied before the end of the cancellation period in response to your express request to do so, you must pay an amount for the supply of the Services for the period for which it is supplied, ending with the time when we are informed of your decision to cancel the Contract. This amount is in proportion to what has been supplied in comparison with the full coverage of the Contract. This amount is to be calculated on the basis of the total price agreed in the Contract or, if the total price were to be excessive, on the basis of the market value of the service that has been supplied, calculated by comparing prices for equivalent services supplied by other traders.

K. Service Principles

  1. We will supply the Services with reasonable skill and care.

  2. We will act in accordance with the prudent man rule during all activities in relation to providing you the agreed services and performing the Contract. 

  3. You can always submit queries in relation to the status of agreed Services by e-mailing thenedlon@gmail.com.

L. Duration, termination and suspension

  1. Following the entrance into force of the Contract, the Contract maintains its existence until the agreed Services are performed and the relevant Fees & Prices are paid.

  2. The Ned | Lon reserves the right to terminate the Contract or suspend the Services at any time via a written notice of termination or  suspension.

M. Privacy & Confidentiality

  1. Your privacy is important for us. We respect your privacy and take all necessary measures to protect the confidentiality & security of your personal data. 

  2. The Ned|Lon Ltd. acts in full conformity with the Guide to the UK General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter the “UK GDPR”) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (hereinafter the “DPA 2018”) which is an act regulated and entered into force within the UK Public General Acts. 

  3. You can always submit your queries in relation to the actions we take in order to fully comply with the UK GDPR and DPA 2018 during the processing and usage of your personal data & information.

  4. This T&C shall be read alongside our policies and procedures, including but not limited to our Privacy & Cookie Policy. Please carefully read the Privacy & Cookie Policy from the link https://thenedlon.com/privacy.

  5. For any enquiries or complaints regarding data privacy, you can e-mail thenedlon@gmail.com.

N. Governing law, jurisdiction and complaints

  1. The Contract and this T&C (including any non-contractual matters) is governed by the laws of England and Wales.

  2. Legal actions shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales, no other jurisdiction is authorised to settle the disputes arising from the Services and/or Contract.

  3. The Ned|Lon is committed to avoid any dispute, therefore, we seek settlement through mutual good faith in the first place. Therefore, the Customer is required to submit his/her complaint to the e-mail address thenedlon@gmail.com in written. The Ned|Lon will review the complaint and get back to you in 5 (five) days. The Customer shall only be entitled to initiate legal proceedings if the response of The Ned | Lon does not fulfil the requirements of the Customer’s complaint or if The Ned|Lon does not respond in 5 (five) days from the date of the complaint e-mail.

  4. Filing a legal action against The Ned|Lon without complying with the above mentioned settlement process shall constitute a serious breach of this T&C.
    *This T&C constitutes an integral part of all written or verbal agreements, policies, directives and procedures of The Ned|Lon.