How to prepare for your education abroad

Whether you are trying to find a new apartment or figuring out what to pack, choosing to move abroad can be stressful.  Regardless, congrats on choosing a life-changing experience – we know you’ll do great! As someone who has moved abroad multiple times, I’ve picked up a few tips on how you can prepare for your move abroad so that you can focus less on the stressful parts and focus more on being excited!

1. Information is power: do your research

A large part of the stress associated with going abroad is the “fear of the unknown.”  The easiest way to combat this is to learn as much as you can about where you’re going – it really helps to know what to expect when you get off the plane.  To get you started, here are a list of places to start your research:

  • The university’s website can show a lot of what to expect at the university! Most websites will show pictures of the buildings, links to future events at your university, and clubs that you can join.  Checking out the university Instagram and photos tagged at your university can give a better idea of everyday student life.

  • Read blog posts and watch YouTube videos of people’s moving abroad! These can show some first-hand experiences of people doing something similar to you.

  • Do some basic research on the country and culture you are moving to.  For example:

    • Commiseco provides a guide to customs, culture, and etiquette for over 80 countries

    • The CIA country website gives factual and statistical information about any country, such as the government, economy, and demographics.

2. Start learning the language of the country you will be moving to

If you are moving to a country that speaks a different language, start learning early. Generally, you should spend at least three months learning the language before you arrive in the country.  We recently published an article on how to learn a new language, so check it out!

3. Make connections to people in your study country

Having a contact in your future education abroad country can be a lifeline.  If you already know someone that lives in your future country/city, don’t be afraid to reach out to them – they may be able to answer some of the questions you have.  

For the ones who are also planning on doing an exchange year abroad and don’t already know someone, the study abroad department at your current university can be a great resource – they may be able to connect you with someone who is abroad now or has returned from your study abroad country/school.  I also find it extremely helpful to connect with other future study abroad students who are going to the same country through finding Facebook Groups.  For instance, if you’re planning on going to Milan, there is a Facebook group called “Milan International Group for Expats and Students.”

4. Start mentally packing early

In the past, I’ve packed too close to my departure date, and it made my last days at home stressful.  That’s why I always recommend packing (or mentally packing) weeks in advance. I start with a list on my “notes” app on my phone, where I write down everything as I think of it over the weeks before leaving.  Starting to “mentally pack” your suitcases weeks beforehand can help avoid last minute shopping runs and stress, so that you can enjoy your last days at home.

5. Use a relocation service to handle the complicated stuff

You shouldn’t have to do all the hard work yourself – if you are worried about logistics, like finding an apartment, consider using the Ned|Lon as your relocation service!  All you have to do is fill out a form for the appropriate service, and we will connect you to one of our team members. Here are some of our services:

We are here to help you navigate the complicated parts of moving abroad so you can focus on the rest!

Have confidence – you’re going to do great!

No matter how much you prepare for studying abroad, you’re sure to encounter the unexpected – and that’s the exciting part! Moving abroad can change your life in so many ways, so keep a positive attitude and know that you will do great!  At the Ned|Lon, we wish you the best of luck preparing for your move abroad!


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