The legal power behind our housing service

Finding a house is just the tip of the iceberg!

Living abroad is not an easy choice. We have all heard of the struggles and challenges of people who decided to live in a foreign country. Getting out of your comfort zone, transforming your life into a new phase, getting in a new social environment are all challenges. 

Obviously, the most important part is to decide where to live. Then comes finding a house. And that’s the difficult part. You all know the saying, “Home is where the story begins.” Finding a place where you can feel safe & comfortable is the key! While you’re abroad, you’ll make important decisions about your social, academical, professional life. And the difficult, yet enjoyable part is that you’ll make these decisions all on your own. It’s no secret that your family and close friends won’t be able to penetrate in your decisions as much as they could in your native country. 

Life is directed by the decisions you make. Good decisions lead to good results.

Thus, finding the right fit for a house is the ultimate recipe for happiness. Your house is the place where you’ll make your decisions about your life, goals, purposes… It’s the HQ of your life. I personally have witnessed that I make the best decisions in my house. 

You should find a house that will give you all the comfort and safety. Obviously, physical features of the house is really important. But what’s more important is the neighbourhood where your house is. Everyone looks for something different, unique which can satisfy his/her needs. 

When it comes to finding a new house abroad, there will unfortunately be a lot of landlords or real estate agents who will try the make an unfairly high profit. As a foreigner, you’re new to the country and don’t know much about the real estate sector or prices. Therefore, having a good & competent assistant like The Ned|Lon is of utmost importance. I know that there is a whole bunch of companies and persons who promise the best service. But the real deal is to have assistant from a company with knowledge on the legal aspect and background of a transaction. Buying or renting a new house is much more than transferring a certain amount to a bank account. It is a legal process that requires a detailed analysis of legal grounds. And the most complex part is that all countries have different legal methods and approaches to contract and real estate law. 

That being said, finding the right house requires someone who can assist you through all the legal process. Otherwise, finding a house, signing a contract and transferring your money is the easy part. And the part that you can do yourself alone. 

Having a legal analysis of the process is not only important for the initiation of a rental or sale contract, it’s also important for preventing future legal conflicts which can put you in a vicious cycle for years. And the worst part is that you may end up dealing with legal proceedings in a country that you don’t know. 

Therefore, negotiation, revision, amendment and signing are all challenging legal phases that must be executed by a legal perspective. This is exactly what makes The Ned|Lon different and superior. The team of The Ned|Lon is competent in assisting you through all these legal phases and conduct activities to reach the safest deal. 

The Ned|Lon’s people who have a good grasp of the legal aspect, local real estate sector and practical challenges is what makes it unique and superior. You would be surprised of how having the right helping hand can change everything positively. Therefore, always keep in mind that finding the right fit for a house is not only about mediation. That’s only the tip of the iceberg, the rest is the legal background and aspect.


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